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First Communion Class
First Communion is open to all ages. Class is geared for children in 2nd grade. Contact Pastor Sue or Mary if you have a younger/older child so we plan for them.
Mid Week Lenten Soup & Worship
Come for soup, serving from 5:45 - 6:30pm then stay for worship at 6:30. Our Lenten Sermon Series is The Lord's Prayer.
Good Friday Worship
Join us as the road we travel brings us to the cross.
Easter Celebration!
Join us in celebrating our Risen Savior! 7am @ the Historic Trondhjem Church 9am @ Trondhjem Lutheran Church Breakfast served at Trondhjem Lutheran Church from 8-9am.
Men’s Coffee
All men are welcome to coffee and conversation, the first Wednesday of every month at 8AM.
TLC Council Meetings
Open to all, our council meets the second Tuesday of every month.
Sunday Worship
Join us every Sunday for worship at 9:00am followed by fellowship time!