Easter Worship

7am at the Historic Trondhjem Church (1 mile south of Trondhjem Lutheran Church)   9am at Trondhjem Lutheran Church   HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED!

Event Series Wednesday Night Activities

Wednesday Night Activities

5:30 – 6:30:  Supper 6:30PM – Worship Preschool – 1st Grade “Step Out” for Faith Formation during sermon Confirmation Students are expect to attend worship 7:15PM –  Faith Formation 5th – 6th Grade Faith Formation 7th – 10th Grade Confirmation

Community Summer Cook Out

Trondhjem Lutheran Church 7525 Garfield Avenue, Lonsdale, MN, United States

You're invited to a Free Community Summer Cook Out! Come for food, games and fun! Also tour the Lonsdale Area Food Shelf. Please bring a food shelf donation of hygiene times.

Sam Martin Sunday

The second Sunday of every month we invite you to give a special offering: that helps people in need in our community through our Good Samaritan Fund bringing in items to support our area food shelf.

Event Series Nourishing Vocation Project Bible Study

Nourishing Vocation Project Bible Study

The Coffee Fool 701 Ash St. NE, Lonsdale, MN, United States

The Nourishing Vocation Project The Nourishing Vocation Project is a project of spiritual renewal in which we deepen our understanding of God's call. It seeks to answer three questions: Who are we called to be? What are called to do? Why are we here? We will be applying these primary questions to five critical concerns facing […]