Women’s Autumn Make and Take

Trondhjem Lutheran Church 7525 Garfield Avenue, Lonsdale, MN, United States

Come together to make some meals - you'll bring one home and one will go into the freezer for our meal ministry. Contact Kathy Vosejpka

Special Guest: Lynne Silva-Breen on Caring for One Another in the Midst of Local & Global Suffering

Trondhjem Lutheran Church 7525 Garfield Avenue, Lonsdale, MN, United States

https://youtu.be/PGFT9k476lU How do we care for one another in the midst of local and global suffering? Specifically, how do we care for ourselves and our children? Join us at Trondhjem Lutheran Wednesday, November 1 at 6:30pm as we welcome special guest Lynne Silva-Breene, MDiv, MA, LMFT who will present on the topic.