Event Series Wednesday Activities

Wednesday Activities

5:30-6:15 Fellowship Dinners: Potluck. All are Welcome! 6:00-6:30 2nd-4th grade Faith Formation 6:30-7:15 Evening Worship 6:30-7:15 Prek- 1st Grade Faith Formation (starts January 10th) Children will attend worship with families. After the children’s message, they will leave for a special music and learning time. 6:30-8:00 5th-12th Faith Formation for Youth & Confirmation Students 6:30 All […]

Sunday Worship

Join us every Sunday for worship at 9:00am followed by fellowship time!

Blessings in a Bottle

Blessings in a Bottle received this Sunday! At the women’s retreat, we provided empty baby bottles for you to take home and fill with coins, dollar bills or checks as you feel God's blessings in your life.  If you didn't get a bottle, feel to give anyway! On Mother’s Day, the baby bottles will be […]

VBS Planning Meeting

Call all volunteer shipmates to come aboard VBS 2018! Preview materials and find out how you can help with VBS. We will also decide on service project, multi-age vs grade groups, new God Sightings & Spotlight VBS options, and take-home books/music.

Celebration Sunday

Join us Sunday, May 20th for Worship Brunch! Worship, share a meal, recognize our volunteers and congratulation our graduates!

Church Softball

Babcock Park South Highway 3 Northfield, MN 55057 For more information contact Jason Ruppert

Prayer Shawl Gathering

The Prayer Shawl Ministry group is gathering on May 22nd. Appetizer potluck will begin at 6:00 PM, but come whenever you can. This ministry brings prayers and comfort to many people dealing with illness, loss and difficult times. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet this is a wonderful way to learn! Talk […]

Memorial Day Observance

Memorial Day The Lonsdale Honor Guard, Firing Squad and Auxiliary Honor Guard will observe Memorial Day with a short program at the Trondhjem Cemetery at 9:00am.