Annual Celebration of Ministry

This meeting is vital to our ministry because we will approve the 2020 budget, vote in new council members (governing board), reflect on where God led us in 2019 and where he is calling our ministry in 2020.

SCHEDULE CHANGE! NO Wednesday Activities

There will be no Wednesday worship and classes on January 29th allowing us all to worship together on Sunday, January 26th and attend the Celebration of Ministry. Note: Confirmation students will have special responsibilities on Sunday, January 26th. Please contact Pastor Sue or Mary Miland if your student is not able to attend.

Winter Dessert & Conversation (For Confirmation Youth & Mentors)

Winter Mentor Night! All confirmation Mentor's and 7th-9th grade youth are encouraged to come early for dinner (serving from 5:30-6-15) and worship together at 6:30 pm.  Mentors' Dessert and Conversation will follow worship (7:15-8pm).  Please email Mary at [email protected] if you are not able to attend or if you can bring a dessert.  Thank You.

Prayer Shawl Gathering

Appetizer potluck will begin at 6:00 PM, but come whenever you can. This ministry brings prayers and comfort to many people dealing with illness, loss and difficult times. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet this is a wonderful way to learn! Talk to Kim Smisek or call the church office for more […]

Theology Uncorked Zoom

I don't know about you, but I'm in serious need of girlfriend time! Join me for faith conversations at Theology Uncorked Virtual Edition tonight! Email me at [email protected] to get the zoom code. Tuesday, April 28th at 7pm via Zoom. Bring the beverage of your choice and let's check in with each other! Stay safe […]

Event Series Tuesday’s Table

Tuesday’s Table

All are welcome to join us around the table each week where we share a light breakfast, enjoy friendship and fellowship, study God's Word and pray together for each other, our church, our community, and the world. You'll receive a warm welcome when you join us in the fellowship room each Tuesday from 9:00-10:30 a.m.